
Window Tint has so many benefits:



Get privacy from the outside world while enhancing your view.


Heat Rejection

Achieve up to 80% heat rejection. Necessary on those hot summer days.


Glare Reduction

Reduce glare coming through your windows by up to 83% with 3M Window Films.


Heat Retention

3M Thinsulate Climate Control 75 window film provides up to 40% heat loss reduction, reducing cold spots through your home. .


UV Protection

Keep your family safe by rejecting up to 99.9% of the sun’s harmful UV rays.


Fade Reduction

Prolong the life of your furnishings, reduce the effect of the sun’s damage on your furniture and floor coverings.


Reduce Energy Costs

Film installed on your windows reduces the workload on your cooling systems  in summer and also your heating system over winter.


Tinting your Home with Tint King Ballarat has not only the benefits listed above but the benefit of an experienced team who know not only their products but they know glass. Gone are the days of just Dark Tint being slapped on glass. Window Film is an investment that you want a long term return from, not a product that fades after a few years and worst of all has not even installed correctly with unsightly gaps and bubbles.


Combined with our experience and the backup of 3M Window Films you will experience a Professional Approach from start to finish.


Save Energy, Improve Comfort, Increase Safety, Strengthen Security, Enhance Privacy and Re-Direct Light.


3M Window Films have the solution to make life in your office environment more comfortable.


With the installation of 3M window films to your office windows you are reducing heat gain therefore reducing the load on your cooling systems during summer. Alternatively installing 3M Low E window films including 3M Thinsulate your windows are insulated reducing cold spots in winter and hot spots over summer, providing an even temperature throughout your office environment. Reducing peak loads on your heating and cooling systems providing significant cost reductions.


Privacy both internally and externally can be achieved by frostings applied to offices and meeting room’s, these can be customised using products from the 3M glass finishes range. To provide privacy from the outside world 3M has a wide range of films that can provide a number of options from highly reflective to low reflectance films. Providing an obvious presence to a subtle finish which enhances the look of the window.


Increase Safety and Security with 3M Safety and Security films. Providing additional strength to your glass to deter damage and break ins. 3M Safety films provide thin or older glass an extra level of safety should they break, holding glass shards together eliminating the risk of shards coming into contact with humans.



There is no end to the scale of windows that can benefit from the installation of 3M window films. From reducing heat gain from a glass roof in a shopping centre to 3M Anti-Graffiti Film protecting glass and signage of your business.


Tint King Ballarat have used 3M Prestige window film in many commercial applications reducing glare and heat gain in shopping centres and even a library. 3M Prestige window film applied externally due to the height of these jobs. The owners of the properties had particular issues and in all cases 3M Prestige window film was the answer. Not only reducing heat gain and glare, but also reducing fading of books in a private library collection.


3M Night Vision window film is a cost effective way to reduce heat gain and glare when used in large glass areas. This film is subtle but effective. An installation at Bunnings Delacombe Town Centre produced immediate results. Reducing heat and glare for staff and customers at the main entrance of the store.


3M Safety Film is used in large areas to bring the existing glass up to current Australian Safety Standards, a much cheaper option than replacing all of the existing glass. This is a cost effective option in larger  existing and older buildings.


Protect your windows with 3m Anti Graffiti film. Unsightly scratches can be managed. Installing 3M Anti Graffiti film on the glass protects the glass underneath.  If the window is scratched, the solution is simple just remove the damaged film and replace with a new piece. Saving the cost and time of replacing the glass.

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